Training design

Develop a training or workshop methodology that works!

Training design

Unlockyourpotential transforms your (technical) content into a training curriculum that facilitates the transfer and retention of knowledge and skills.

Workshop design

Are you interested to organize a workshop with your team? Unlockyourpotential can help you both to design the proper methodology and to facilitate the group dynamics.

Phase 1: Learning Needs Assessment

Get clarity about what the real learning needs are. Which of these needs can be addressed by other means than a training. Who are the learners? What are their preferred learning styles?

In the case of a workshop: what specific question or issue is the workshop addressing?

Phase 2: Developing your Learning Objectives

Well-formulated learning objectives are the compass and fundament for the design of the curriculum. They will help to define what the participants will be able to get out of the training and guide the training design: content, methodology and materials.

In the case of a workshop: what would you like to get out of the workshop?

Phase 3: Curriculum Outline

The curriculum outline is a blueprint showing how the learning objectives will be addressed: with which modules, which topics, which key messages, in which order, and what duration. The curriculum can have a modular approach.

In the case of a workshop: what will be the main outline of agenda.

Phase 4: Design of the content and methodology

The ‘technical’ content is transformed into a trainer-friendly content by integrating the phases of the Experiential Learning Cycle (Experience, Reflection, Conceptualization, Application), catering for different learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc), and respecting the Adult Learning Principles. Different methodologies will be chosen to enhance the learning process.

In the case of a workshop: What methodologies will help to get you to the desired output.

Phase 5: Material design

Design of the actual training materials: facilitator notes, participant guide, job aids, presentations, visual aids, and others.

No boring PowerPoint presentations, but materials that really support the learning process.

Phase 6: Piloting the curriculum

Try out of the curriculum in order to finetune some of the content or methodology where needed..

Think about organizing a Training of Trainers once the curriculum is ready to be implemented.

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