What do they say?

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“Lieke’s understanding and knowledge about learning and development not just in a training room but also in an organizational context is unique. She knows how to make organizations develop through the staff growing as the most important asset. Her organizational toolbox is manifold and used together with her empathetic relation competence I would never hesitate one second to use her as a consultant in my organization to see where I as a manager have my blind organizational eye. She would never put herself in the center of the process because she is always aiming to use the potential in people around her and using the insights they have.” – Kjeld, MSF 

“Her ability to connect with her students and her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both truly superior.” – Begimai, UN Mission South Sudan 


“I was impressed by her capacity to translate a complex context and needs into practical solutions and to continuously adapt whenever there were (un)foreseen changes. She is driven, solution-oriented, creative, and pragmatic.” – Thierry, Kosemera  


“Lieke is a quick-thinker and immediately grasped the intention and stakes of the workshop we asked her to facilitate. She proposed a methodology and showed the flexibility to adapt it to the evolution of the workshop. She brought a very good dynamic, catching and maintaining the interest of participants and showing great mediation skills. Her analytic and synthesis capacities helped greatly in capturing the interventions of the participants and put them as constructive inputs to the workshop.” – Elvina, MSF

“I was right away impressed with her teaching skills and methods. She managed to pass on complicated subjects in a clear, understandable and pedagogical manner. She is professional, a fantastic communicator, has a mountain of knowledge and constantly pulls out examples, while simultaneously involving the participants.” – Kamille, MSF

What we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are” – Tony Robbins